If you’re starting to make your new year’s reading lists here are a few challenges to keep you busy. These little (and some big) challenges are addictive, so don’t say we didn’t warn you. We’ll bring you a couple of challenges each week during the month of January; we hope you find one you want to take part in!

whatsinaname2gif.pngAnnie, a ten year old book lover, has devised the What’s in a name? challenge, which runs throughout the entire year. In order to take part, you must read six books with the following in the title: a color, an animal, a first name, a place, a weather event, a plant. So, for instance, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn would be an excellent choice for “place.” You can find more information and sign-up for the challenge here.

dangerous2.jpgAre you in the mood to live dangerously? At least through your book selections, that is. Then My Year of Reading Dangerously is just the challenge for you! This one, which also runs throughout 2008, has a few simple rules: read authors or genres that intimidate you, twelve in all. Estella’s Revenge, an online lit zine, is hosting this challenge and has composed an “official” list you can choose from, or you can pick your own. You’ll find more info here.

chunksterchallenge08_2.gifAh, so you’re one of those people, a person who isn’t truly satisfied until they’ve read a door stopper of a novel. Don’t think that you’ll be left in the challenge dust. Oh, no! We’ve got just the thing…The 2008 Chunkster challenge! In order to take part in this one you’ll need to read four books that weigh in at over 450 pages. Want to know more? Here you go. As So many books, so little time, the challenge’s host, points out…”Chunky isn’t always bad.”